In 2022–2023, the Communications Team co-led a project with the IT Department to overhaul the institutional website, working with stakeholders across the entire school. The new site was launched in July to great acclaim, and it subsequently won the Acquia 2023 Engage Award in the Most Impactful Tech Stack Integration category. Watch a snapshot of the new website in this video or see the results here:
INSEAD Knowledge, our showcase for faculty insights and opinions, is run from within the Communications Department to maximise its reach and is produced in collaboration with our colleagues in Faculty and Research. You can read more in the Research section and here:
During 2022–2023, we saw a steady increase in engagement with INSEAD social media channels, particularly LinkedIn and YouTube. At the end of the Academic Year, we explored new territory, as INSEAD arrived on TikTok. Across all of our channels, we prioritise content with an emphasis on powerful storytelling, attractive imagery, engaging graphics and compelling video, to showcase life on campus, academic excellence, and the global impact of our community. You can see for yourself by following our accounts: